Core Competencies Global Career Development Facilitator

Competency Areas


Helping Skills Basic career facilitating processes, including productive interpersonal relationships
Labor Market Information and Resources Labor market and occupational information and trends
Assessment Both formal and informal career development assessments, with emphasis on relating appropriate career development assessments to the population served
Diverse Populations Studies covering the special needs of various groups, as well as how to adapt services to meet those needs
Ethical and Legal Issues Studies on the GCDF Code of Ethics and current legislative regulations
Career Development Models Career development theories, models and techniques as they apply to lifelong development, gender, age and ethnic background
Employability Skills Job search strategies and placement techniques, especially in work with groups
Training Clients and Peers Preparing and developing materials for training programs and presentations
Program Management/Implementation Studies covering career programs and their implementation, and working as a liaison in collaborative relationships
Promotion and Public Relations Marketing and promoting career development programs
Technology The understanding and use of career development computer applications
Consultation Accept suggestions for performance improvement from consultants and supervisors

GCDF credential applicants are required to complete a minimum of 120 hours of training from one of CCE’s Registered Credential Training Providers (RCTP).

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